Your guide to

Better Habits, Better health, and a happier you

  • Getting results with healthy habits can be easy, enjoyable, and an awakening to even more.

    Whether you just want to work on a specific health goal or you are already are attuned to the effects of your habits on your work, relationships, and hobbies, my approach is proven, gets fast results, and builds the mindset and skills to keep getting results for life.

  • step by step guidance + coaching support

    Rather than just giving advice, or just asking powerful coaching questions then leaving you to figure out the action steps, I combine the best coaching support with evidenced-based health practices. You get action steps doable today, in your life as it is now.

  • You and your goals come first.

    From our first Discovery Session to our last meeting, every coaching conversation is focused on getting you to action and creating the life you’ve dreamed of.

  • Results in a day

    Press “Reset” on your vitality with a one-day intensive experience.

  • Coaching

    A personalized plan, simple steps, and the support you need to exceed your goals.

  • Workshops

    Start where you are with motivation and the tools to easily create results with effective habits.

  • Retreats

    Give yourself the gifts of rest, rejuvenation, and inspiration through renewed inner vision.

  • Habits Notebook

    Coach-in-a-notebook to walk you through creating your own powerful habits.

Expertise + habits

woman stretching in the morning sun

Creating a plan that works for you

Through my personalized coaching programs, I’ll work with you to develop and implement a plan to achieve the level of health and wellness you want.

We’ll focus on goals that are meaningful to you, and build the mindset, skills and habits that get you there.


  • Individual goals vary, but all of my clients get results. Guaranteed. What’s different about my approach is the ease and effectiveness of clarifying your authentic goals and creating habits that get you there.

  • It depends on your goal, but most often you will begin to see and feel positive changes within a day or two. Excitement and motivation often begins to build after a week or so. Building habits is a long-term strategy, however. The longer you practice habits, the more powerful and impactful they become.

  • Absolutely, with your money back if it’s not working for you after 90 days. I have put a lot of effort into making my programs as easy and enjoyable as possible. All that’s required is that you show up (for us and yourself), keep an open mind, stay coachable, honest, and follow the program.

  • Less than you’d probably imagine, and No, it won’t take over your life. It’s worth noting that we don’t focus on giving up things, especially not foods that have meaning for you. We focus on a clear vision of your desired results, and take small, gradual steps that are easy to implement daily. You’re in charge of your journey, and we’ll work to help you listen to and follow your body’s messages about food.

  • If you like what you’ve seen and read here so far, chances are it is right for you. If you understand that no changes last without becoming habits and you’re ready to start building the habits that will work for you, you’re in the right place. I recommend that you either book a free consultation with me now or attend an upcoming workshop if you want to learn more.

  • “Diet and exercise” doesn’t work for most people, for a lot of reasons. Diets most often fail because they aren’t sustainable long term, aren’t enjoyable, and are missing major macronutrients or personally meaningful foods. In my experience, I’ve seen a lot of people quit going to the gym because they don’t enjoy it and can’t keep up the artificial motivation.

    My approach is far more effective because it begins with clarifying your authentic goals, which fixes the motivation problem that kills so many change efforts to begin with. From there, I teach a mindset and skillset that makes it impossible to fail. As long as you are willing to show up, be honest and coachable, and set actions together, this will work for you.

    Even the most intelligent people can do the right things for the wrong reasons. It’s like driving to a new destination with a broken GPS app. Expert help clarifying your goals and creating the results you want can make all the difference between enjoying the journey (and getting there!), or being miserable and giving up in a few weeks.